Fintech and Financial Stability

A critical look at IMF recommendations on financial stability concerns from Fintech and DeFi

Decentralized Finance
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Fintech and financial stability

Fintech is technological innovation in financial activities, or in other words, financial innovation aided by technology. This by itself is not new. The ATMs which made their entry in the late 1960s was also in this sense, fintech. With the rapid growth in crypto assets in recent years, and that of decentralised ledger technology (DLT), fintech has evolved and grown rapidly in recent years to provide traditional banking functions, including deposit taking and lending. Referred to as Decentralized Finance, or DeFi for short, it threatens to disintermediate banks from savers and borrowers, transform the traditional banking landscape, and threaten financial stability. The IMF flagged its concerns in the third chapter of the April 2022 issue of its biannual Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). Continue reading “Fintech and Financial Stability”


Bank of Russia in War and Peace

How Bank of Russia and Russian Central Banking is coping with war and other political expediencies

Central Bank of Russian Federation Head Office building
Bank of Russia

War and Peace

War and Peace, Tolstoy’s enduring masterpiece, starts with a party scene. Set in the St Petersburg of 1805, the main characters are introduced here. Most of us would have read the ‘novel’ (Tolstoy did not call it one) in English. Lost in translation is the fact that almost the entire conversation, page after page, is in French. It was the preferred language of the Russian aristocracy. For Tolstoy, it was a literary device. He was making fun of the nobles of the day who spoke French to flaunt their exclusivity. He wanted to show how disconnected they were from core Russian values and the world around. Continue reading “Bank of Russia in War and Peace”


Ten economic predictions for 2022


“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future” is a famous quote attributed in different forms to people ranging from Niels Bohr, the great physicist and Nobel Laureate, to Yogi Berra, the all-time great baseball catcher. But, that has never deterred predictions, especially economic predictions, as a universal beginning-of-the-year pastime. Continue reading “Ten economic predictions for 2022”


“Pandemic depression”: The way ahead

Vincent and Carmen Reinhart

In the October/November 2020 issue of Foreign Affairs, Carmen Reinhart of the World Bank and Vincent Reinhart, Chief Economist for BNY Mellon Asset Management, have this article on “The Pandemic Depression: The Global Economy Will Never Be the Same.” They cite various data to justify the expression. Bank of England had predicted the steepest decline for UK since 1706. The unemployment figures in the US are the worst since the Bureau of Labor Statistics has had data on it. The World Trade Organization estimated that global trade is poised to fall by between 13 and 32 percent in 2020. And the World Bank had predicted that the global economy would shrink by 5.2 per cent in 2020, and that 60 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic. Continue reading ““Pandemic depression”: The way ahead”


Gold at historical high

Earlier this week, gold crossed USD 2000 per troy ounce for the first time thus recording its highest level to date. Price of gold is inversely related to the dollar. This is because gold price is denominated in dollar. So, weaknesses in dollar get reflected as increase in price of gold. As we are going through uncertain times, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the stock market in the US has also been down, dollar has weakened. But, will gold prices remain high for long? Continue reading “Gold at historical high”


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