Strategic Risk in Banking

This post is the second part of my earlier post on reputation risk. It is an enlarged version of the portion on strategic risk from my speaking notes used for a talk on reputation and strategic risk to the members of the Board of Directors of a bank based outside India. Needless to say, this is an introductory piece, as strategy, its risks, and their management, together constitute a huge subject in itself.

Strategic risk
Photo by Elena Popova on Unsplash

Continue reading “Strategic Risk in Banking”


Managing reputation risk

Photo by Adam Ling on Unsplash

This is an edited and updated version of my speaking notes used for an address on managing strategic and reputation risk to the members of the Board of Directors of a bank based outside India. I will cover strategic risk in a future post. The talk drew substantially from the writings of Prof. Charles R. Fombrun, especially his book on Reputation, apart from other references as indicated. Continue reading “Managing reputation risk”


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